Technology Resources Soft Launched updated Website on Feb. 5, 2024


TRecs Soft Launches Updated Website

Technology Resources (TRecs) soft launched its overhauled website as part of a communication improvement strategy that seeks to provide stakeholders, customers, and internal staff with relevant and timely information.

Over the summer of 2023, TRecs built a communication strategy to encourage frequent sharing of clear and meaningful information. The strategy includes: 

  • Specific emergency response communication strategy and templates.
  • Email templates for common situations (scheduled outages, unplanned outages, migrations, project status, department updates, etc.).
  • Overhaul the TRecs public website to be easy to use and user-focused.
  • Linking communication channels.

The updated site expands to include more detailed information on the types of work handled by Technology Resources and how to contact each area. It is also intended to be an integral part of common and emergency communication.

Have a moment to give the team feedback?

Image of a computer with the website on the screen
February 5, 2024
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